Welcome to the IBUILD Symposium information page.
Here is the latest IBUILD Symposium agenda.
Here is the IBUILD Presentation program.
For travel planning purposes:
Day 1 Thursday, 1/16/24: ~8AM – ~7PM — Networking session, fellow presentations, reception
Day 2 Friday, 1/17/25: ~8:45AM – ~2:30PM — Tours ending by lunch time followed by speakers, a photo opportunity, and a career panel in the afternoon
For details about your tour, ORNL site access, safety, meals, transportation, and general information, please reference the “IBUILD Symposium Know Before You Go” email that you received after registration.
NOTE: For safety, please wear close-toed shoes for the tours. Your tour guides will provide safety glasses on the tour.
Thank you!
IBUILD Management Team