• What is the main goal of the program?

    The goal of the program is to support research that is relevant to the mission of the Department of Energy Building Technologies Office and to develop researchers who are interested in working in these areas.

  • How do I apply?

    The IBUILD application in Zintellect is available using the ‘apply’ button on the main menu.

  • How will my application be reviewed?

    Your application will be reviewed and scored by the IBUILD Fellowship Selection Committee that includes Building Technologies Office (BTO) program officers and subject matter experts. The committee will score applications using the criteria below to select finalists.  BTO will determine final awardees. 

    Research proposals will be evaluated for the following criteria: 

    • Broader impacts: the potential to benefit society and contribute to the achievement of specific, desired societal outcomes and the potential to advance decarbonization
    • Intellectual merit: the potential to advance knowledge 
    • Scientific and technical merit: well-conceived research, demonstration of clear understanding of scientific and technical challenges involved, method and approach appropriate to project, demonstration of sufficient access to required facilities and resources, research based on sound scientific principles
    • Originality and innovation: inclusion of ideas for cutting-edge technologies or approaches 

  • When are applications due?

    The application deadline is on Zintellect application that is found by pressing ‘apply’ on the main menu bar at the top of this website.

  • If I receive an offer, what is the deadline to accept?

    The offer letter email will state the deadline to accept the offer.

  • When does the fellowship begin?

    If you receive an offer, you will work with the IBUILD program managers to confirm a fellowship appointment date. The start date is typically before September 1 of the year in which you receive the offer. All IBUILD Fellows will have a start date before the IBUILD orientation.

  • How will I receive the tuition, stipend, insurance and travel benefits?

    IBUILD Fellows will receive a packet to complete from the ORISE program office to facilitate fellowship payments and reimbursements.  These documents must be submitted by the stated deadlines.

  • Where will I conduct my proposed research?

    The IBUILD Fellowship is designed to support research at the fellow’s home college or university. IBUILD Fellows may have occasional trips to the BTO office or appropriate lab, when necessary.  Fellows should contact the program managers for IBUILD-funded travel for approval.

  • What is the duration of the fellowship?

    The fellowship will be awarded in 12 months increments based on an annual review of research progress and sustained alignment with designated BTO research areas.

  • What do I do if my major is not listed on the Zintellect application?

    We recommend that you select the major closest to your own, and then provide your major in your application materials.


  • Are internships included with the IBUILD Graduate Research Fellowship?

    No, internships are not included as a part of this fellowship; however, IBUILD Fellows are encouraged to pursue internship opportunities.  For this reason, the fellowship does provide support for internships opportunities, including networking opportunities and travel funding.

  • Is a recording available for the IBUILD application info session?

    Yes! You can watch the recording and view the slide deck on the about page of this website. Please note that some program requirements change from year to year, so please be on the look-out for webinar updates.

  • Do I need to be nominated before I can apply?

    No! A nomination is not required to apply to the IBUILD Fellowship.

  • I have already begun my thesis research. Am I still eligible to apply?

    Yes, you are eligible to apply for the IBUILD Fellowship as long as you have at least one year of full-time research remaining.  We encourage you to inform your research mentor to ensure they will support this fellowship, if awarded.

  • Is there a list of approved research areas?

    No, there is not a stock list of approved research areas or topics. Please ensure that your research proposal clearly outlines the connection and relevancy to the Department of Energy Building Technology Office missions.

  • What should I do if there is a change in my research plan after receiving the fellowship?

    If there is a major shift in your planned research after you have received the IBUILD Fellowship, we will need to confirm the new direction still meets eligibility criteria.  You will need to submit a justification statement describing why the project direction has changed and a description of the modified project. This submission will require acknowledgement from your faculty/project mentor.